Brand Assets

Our brand identity and all the good looking stuff for you to use.

All assets are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


The Ocean Protocol Waves were created and designed entirely in code, generated as SVG paths by D3.js.

You can use the animated, initial version on CodePen to create your own screenshots of the waves in other variations. This asset here is a redrawing of those waves for use in graphic editors.


Manta Ray


Style Guide


  • brand-pink

    rgb(255, 64, 146)


Heading 1
Sharp Sans Display No. 1 Bold, always formatted in AP-Style Title Case

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

Body typography is set in Sharp Sans Pro Medium (500), and Sharp Sans Pro Bold (600).

As algae starfish, going down in scorpionfish angelfish. Yellow pseudochromis weasel shark shadow, darkness in deap ocean an, Motionless Wabash pigtoe Full moon. Angelfish love, applesnail Snaggletooth shark octopus bannerfish, beautiful Bursa trigger monster captive, a fishbowl possession cat shark at parrotfish.

Bonnethead at puffer fish pipefish octopus threadfin. The crackin crazy Neon goby nurse shark moon. Swim clownfish fun, snowcrab as algae starfish, going down in scorpionfish angelfish. Fishies asian clam painted comber, king crab.

Grape. Seahorse rock lobster, papershell shark or scorpionfish is, faucet snail king crab weasel shark. Zebra moray a banded grunt houndshark. Banana wrasse in yellow pseudochromis non mermaid parrotfish mystery snail. Mil.


Ocean Creative

For all Ocean Protocol visual and video assets, please click here.

Form Elements

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Help is on the way.
Help is on the way.
Help is on the way.